Salah satu kerjaya yang diminati didalam syarikat penerbangan ialah perkerjayaan sebagai pilot atau juruterbang.
Ianya satu kerjaya yang mampu mendapatkan gaji yang lumayan dan berperistij. Dia tidak memerlukan kelulusan yang tinggi dan mampu dengan kelulusan SPM sahaja.
Salah satu pengentahuan yang harus diketahui ialah berkenaan dengan berat kapal terbangan atau dalam bahasa inggerisnya the aircraft weight.
Pilot harus sentiasa ingat tentang weight kapal terbang. Jenis jenis berat atau weight ia lah:
1. Aircraft basic weight: Berat kapal tanpa muatan dan minyak. Semasa kapal di bina,beratnya akan ditimbang dan diletakkan didalam flight manual atau operation manual.
2. Berat tanpa minyak - Zero fuel weight ZFW= aircraft basic weight + load. Load yang dikira ialah kargo, sama ada bulk kargo atau kontena. Bekalan dan makanan dan penumpang. Pada umum nya penumpang dewasa dan bag yang dibawa bersama dikira sebanyak 70 kg dan kanak kanak 40 kg.
3. Berat takeoff - takeoff weight ialah berat kapal semasa dilandasan setelah dicampor tengan minyak. Berat takeoff weight pada umum nya ialah yang terbesar, melebihi berat mendarat.
4. Landing weight, berat mendarat ialah berat kapal semasa ianya mendarat.
Semua berat ,(weight) yang disebut diatas ada mempunyai maximum nya. Kapal tidak dibenarkan melebihan had berat tersebut. Semasa kecemasan yand mana kapal terpaksa mendarat cemas selepas berlepas, menyak harus dibuang diatas lautan untuk mengurangkan berat kapal.
One of the areas that a pilot has to remember by heart is the aircraft weights. During the examination he will be asked, and he cannot make a single mistake. The weight such as the maximum takeoff weight, maximum landing weight, maximum zero fuel weights are some the weight figures that have to be committed to memory.
In the old days, a piece of paper will be sent to the aircraft by the despatch clerk, containing the relevant weight and balance information. Now, the new aircraft and most airports have the facilities to transmit the data by ACARS link. The data contains, TOW - take off weight, ZFW- Zero fuel load, the fuel load, the pay load and the Horizontal Trim setting, %MAC.
The aircraft center of gravity has to be arrange to fall within a certain range of the aircraft center. ( actually it is the MAC, but it is too complex). So the loads, especially the cargo have to positioned to meet these requirements, so are the passengers, at 75 Kg per adult, are fairly distributed into the zones.
In the bigger jetliner with longer swap-back wing, the location of the fuel will effect the C of G (center of gravity ) greatly. There are some aircraft that put fuel in the tail (vertical stabilize) to balance the Cof G.
The aircraft weight is given by the manufacturer. There may be slight variation with the same aircraft type.
Start with the aircraft manufactured weight ... xx kgs. Then we add the fixed equipments, the galley, the seats, overhead lockers, trim, carpets etc, then we have the aircraft basic weight.
Then we put all the loads, the cargo, the passengers, food and accessories (removable), the we have the aircraft ZFW zero fuel weight. Check against the maximum!.
Then we add the fuel for the trip... we have the taxi weight.
- minus taxi fuel... we have the aircraft takeoff weight -- check for maximum.
- minus the trip fuel ... we have the aircraft landing weight.. check against maximum.
The aircraft are not permitted to exceed the published weight. There are cases that an aircraft does an overweight landing. This normally happen when the aircraft are required to return to base. Some aircrafts, like B747 and the other Boeing series, have the facilities to allow dumping of fuel. The environmentalists do no like this, but it has to be done. Some aircraft do not have dumping capability, as the maximum landing weight is about the same as the maximum takeoff weight.
Hope you have some idea about.. aircraft weight.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
SIA Interview

SIA syarikat penerbangan Singapura akan mengambil airhostess baru. Tarikh ada seperti berikut:
UPDATED 25 Nov 2011
1. SIA
Suntec Singapore
International Convention & Exhibition Centre
Level 3, Meeting Rooms 303-305
1 Raffles Boulevard, Suntec City
Singapore or Malaysian citizenship or Singapore PRs with blue IC Minimum age of 18 years old Females who are at least 1.58m; Males who are at least 1.65m in height Degree/ Diploma
OR At least 2 GCE ‘A’-level credits and 2 ‘AO’-level credits including General Paper in the GCE ‘A’-level examination
OR At least 5 GCE ‘O’-level credits (or its equivalent) including English and working experience For Malaysian qualifications at SPM level, at least 5 credits including a minimum grade of B4 in English and working experience is required Completed, are exempted from, or are not liable for National Service. Those in the process of completing NS may also apply.
Singapura -Temududa pada 3 Dec 2011 (Sabtu) di -
Suntec Singapore
International Convention & Exhibition Centre
Level 3, Meeting Rooms 303-305
1 Raffles Boulevard, Suntec City
Singapore 039593
APRIL 2011
Taiwan - Application Details
Interested applicants please download this application form and send it 15 April 2011. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted via email by 30 April 2011.
Application Details
Interested applicants please download this application form and send it to by 27 March 2011. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted via email by 31 March 2011.
Interviews will be conducted on a weekend in Tokyo in April 2011.
Application Details
Interested applicants, please visit for more details.
Interviews will be conducted in Shanghai and Chengdu in April and May 2011 respectively.
Interviews will be conducted in Shanghai and Chengdu in April and May 2011 respectively.
Application Details
If you measure up to our requirements and are interested to apply, please complete the online application form and attach a recent full length photograph of yourself. Send your completed application form by 17 April 2011.
Interviews will be conducted in Bangkok in April 2011.
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email.
Note: Singapore Airlines does not engage the services of any third-party recruitment firm to conduct recruitment exercises on our behalf in Thailand.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
20 lapangan terbang terbaik 2010
Skyrax menyenaraikan 20 lapangan terbang terbaik untuk tahun 2010.
Skytrax sebuah syarikat international membuat survey untuk mementukan taraf pepuasan pengguna. Survey yang serupa telah dibuat untuk menentukan taraft syarikat penerbangan. Ada beberapa categories yang di pertahan kan.
Seperti contoh:
- syarikat penerbangan terbaik... Asiana menjuarai nya di ikuti oleh SIA.
- Kabin Crew terbaik --- SIA di ikuti oleh MAS
Lapangan terbanh terbaik..
keputusan survey itu ia lah..
[caption id="attachment_1216" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="KLIA airport"]
Lebih kuran 10 juta penumpang telah menjawab soalan. Tempat pertama ialah Changi Airport. Penumpang telah ditanya tentang airports dan kemudahan nya. Tentang layanan pekerja dan juga samaada mereka puas hati dengan web page airport tersebut.
20 lapangan terbang terbaik ialah:..
1 Singapore
2 Seoul Incheon
3 Hong Kong
4 Munich
5 Kuala Lumpur
6 Zurich
7 Amsterdam
8 Beijing
9 Auckland
10 Bangkok
11 Vancouver
12 Kansai
13 Centrair Nagoya
14 Helsinki
15 Copenhagen
16 Frankfurt Main
17 Tokyo Narita
18 Brisbane
19 Cape Town
20 San Francisco
Skytrax sebuah syarikat international membuat survey untuk mementukan taraf pepuasan pengguna. Survey yang serupa telah dibuat untuk menentukan taraft syarikat penerbangan. Ada beberapa categories yang di pertahan kan.
Seperti contoh:
- syarikat penerbangan terbaik... Asiana menjuarai nya di ikuti oleh SIA.
- Kabin Crew terbaik --- SIA di ikuti oleh MAS
Lapangan terbanh terbaik..
keputusan survey itu ia lah..
[caption id="attachment_1216" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="KLIA airport"]
Lebih kuran 10 juta penumpang telah menjawab soalan. Tempat pertama ialah Changi Airport. Penumpang telah ditanya tentang airports dan kemudahan nya. Tentang layanan pekerja dan juga samaada mereka puas hati dengan web page airport tersebut.
20 lapangan terbang terbaik ialah:..
1 Singapore
2 Seoul Incheon
3 Hong Kong
4 Munich
5 Kuala Lumpur
6 Zurich
7 Amsterdam
8 Beijing
9 Auckland
10 Bangkok
11 Vancouver
12 Kansai
13 Centrair Nagoya
14 Helsinki
15 Copenhagen
16 Frankfurt Main
17 Tokyo Narita
18 Brisbane
19 Cape Town
20 San Francisco
pramugari seksi menari di pesawat
Biasa nya penumpang tidak mengambil berat apabila pramugari membuat demo keselamatan. Pada umumnya mereka merasa mereka sudah pun pandai. Banyak diantara penumpang ini sudah pun menaiki pesawat beberapa puluh kali. Jadi didalam hati kecil mereka, mereka tidak langsung memerhati kepada pramugari yang bertugas.
Memahami hakikat ini, Cebu Air telah mengambil langkah drastic dengan tarian demo oleh para pramugari.
Perhatikan yang musik tarian yang diputarkan dan pramugari yang cantik akan menari nari keluar ketingah aisle pesawat sambil melinggangkan badan. Semua penumpang terpegun dan memberi tumpuan yang penuh.
Sesudah persembahan, penumpang bertepuk tangan tanda suka dengan pertunjukan itu.
Memahami hakikat ini, Cebu Air telah mengambil langkah drastic dengan tarian demo oleh para pramugari.
Perhatikan yang musik tarian yang diputarkan dan pramugari yang cantik akan menari nari keluar ketingah aisle pesawat sambil melinggangkan badan. Semua penumpang terpegun dan memberi tumpuan yang penuh.
Sesudah persembahan, penumpang bertepuk tangan tanda suka dengan pertunjukan itu.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
kekosongan syarikat penerbangan
Kami melayari web sites syarikat syarikat penerbangan untuk mengumpulkan peluang pekerjaan si syarikat tersebut. Syarikat tersebut ia lah SIA, Cathay, Emirates, Qatar and Etihad.
Peluang perkerjaan sebagai pramugari di dalam blog air hostess blog
Pada umumnya peluang pekerjaan adalah terbuka luas. Sekiranya syarikat memerlukan ramai staff, ia akan diiklankan di akhbar tempatan dan didalam webpage. Tetapi banyak juga kekosongan tidak diaklankan.
Untuk menyenangkan pembaca, kami tempatkan links kesyarikat berkenaan. Kami telah membuat test links tersebut, tetapi syarikat munkin menukarnya.
Kebanyakan Syarikat memerlukan Bahasa Inggeris, kecuali Garuda. Namun Garuda memerukan kepakaran bahasa inggeris untuk Pramugari.
Current Listings
Latest Listings
Listed below are openings that have been posted since
03-04-2011.-MAS -
Latest vacancies at Malaysia Airlines
We are looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to contribute to the growth of our airline. If you would like to apply for a position, please write in to the address listed on the right or email
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Flight Steward and Stewardess/ pramugari / air hosess
Type Rated Pilot (Direct Intake) / Pemandu kapalterbang yang mempunyai lesen
Cadet Pilot (Direct Intake) / pemandu kapa terbang yang mempunyai lesen
Licensed Aircraft Engineer / Penyenggara kapal terban berlesen
AirAsia -- telah mendapat anuggerah Syarikat Penerbangan Murah terbaik. Ia mempunyai beberapa syarikat perkongsian, termasok dengan AirAsia Philippine.
# | Position | Work Location | Date Posted |
Malaysia | |||
1. | Philippines -Flight Attendant | Clark, Philippines | 01 Apr 2011 |
2. | Flight Attendant | LCC Terminal,Sepang | 10 Mar 2011 |
# | Position | Date Posted | Closing Date |
1. | Staf Administrasi | 4 April 2011 | 10 April 2011 |
2. | Food & Beverages Designer | 4 April 2011 | 10 April 2011 |
3. | Interior Designer | 4 April 2011 | 10 April 2011 |
4. | Animator | 4 April 2011 | 10 April 2011 |
5. | Visual and Product Designer | 4 April 2011 | 10 April 2011 |
6. | Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta | 27 March 2011 | 29 April 2011 |
7. | Pramugari Rekrutmen Bandung | 9 March 2011 | 30 June 2011 |
8. | Pramugari Rekrutmen Pekanbaru | 9 March 2011 | 30 June 2011 |
9. | Pramugari Rekrutmen Medan | 3 March 2011 | 30 June 2011 |
10. | Pramugari Rekrutmen Makassar | 3 March 2011 | 31 May 2011 |
11. | Pramugari Rekrutmen Surabaya | 24 February 2011 | 30 April 2011 |
12. | Pilot Recruitment For Boeing 737-Series Aircraft | 16 February 2011 | 31 December 2011 |
Peluang untuk warga indonesia sahaja
Qatar -
Job Title | Location | Company / Division | Closing |
Cargo SupervisorJob Ref No: CS/SG/17586 | Russia | Emirates Sky Cargo | 21 Apr '11 |
Manager Crew Resource & PlanningJob Ref No: CRPM/MT/17200 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Emirates Airline | 14 Apr '11 |
Resource Planning ControllerJob Ref No: RPC/RC/17083 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Dubai Airports | 16 Jul '11 |
Internal Communication Specialist - Group SafetyJob Ref No: SPS/MT/17555 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Emirates Airline | 20 Apr '11 |
Assistant Spa TherapistJob Ref No: AST/SA/17577 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Timeless Spa | 20 Apr '11 |
Senior Sales ExecutiveJob Ref No: SSE/SD/17482 | U.S.A | Emirates Airline | 21 Apr '11 |
Sales Manager - Central UsaJob Ref No: SM-CU/SD/17458 | U.S.A | Emirates Airline | 21 Apr '11 |
Manager Commercial Business Development - Far East & Australasia Job Ref No: MCBD/ST/17574 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Emirates Airline | 23 Apr '11 |
Cathay Pacific - Please visit the Web, as there are many positions mentioned.
Cathay Pacific - Please visit the Web, as there are many positions mentioned.
Showing 25 jobs (1 to 25) of 44.Next >>
Cathay ada mengambil pekerja dari Malaysia terutama sebagai pramugari.
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