Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Kerjaya Jurutera Penyelenggaraan Pesawat

Seorang jurutera pesawat atau lebih dikenali sebagai aircraft engineer bertanggung jawab memastikan pesawat berada didalam keadaan baik. Dalam bahasa teknikal "keadaan baik" ini lebih dikenali sebagai "airworthy condition". Ini bermakna kapal terbang ata pesawat mestilah airworthy.

Munkin lebih mudah kalau kita gunakan sebuah kereta sebagai contoh. Tetapi pesawat memerlukan lebih dari sebuah kereta. Sebuah pesawat yang airworthy mesti mempunyai ciri ciri berikut...

A. Keadaan Fizikal.
1. Sistemnya berjalan lancar seperti yang tertera didalam mannual.
2. Performance nya baik, enjin nya mampu mengeluarkan tenaga yang diperlukan.
3. Keadaannya fizikalnya baik, tak ada corrosion or karat, structure nya kuat.

B. Di maintain dengan Baik.
1. Semua check dan kerja maintenance dilakukan mengikut jadual. Ada beberapa pakage checks yang perlu dilakukan. Check A, B, C dan overhaul.
2. semua kerja maintenance dilakukan mengikut peraturan. Dia nya dilakukan oleh mereka yang bertauliah, alatgantinya original, tempatkan kerjanya diluluskan, paperworknya mengikut requirement dan di simpan dengan baik.

C. Disokong oleh organisation yang diluluskan.
1. Mesti ada Quality department yang berfungsi seperti yang diwajibkan.
2. Ada material department, planning dan workshop.

Seorang jurutera merupakan seorang yang berkerja didalam rangkaian tugasan memastikan pesawat didalam keadaan baik. Kalau private aircraft, atau kapal terbang sendirian, munkin aircraft engineer kena melakukan semua tugas, tetapi didalam airlines, tugasan sudahpun dipecah dan diberi kepada beberapa department.

Jurutera pesawat ia lah seorang yang mempunyai lesen untuk membaiki pesawat. Untuk mendapatkan lesen, dia perlu mengikuti latihan dan lulus peperiksaan yang di kendalikan oleh DCA (Malaysia). Dibawah dinyatakan 3 cara untuk mendapatkan lesen:

a. Mengikuti pengajian- anda boleh mendaftar sebagai seorang pelajar di insitusi yang diluluskan oleh DCA. Pada masa sekarang (1 Nov 2012) hanya 3 institusi yang diluluskan. Mereka ialah MAS, Delog dan APR. Mata dan Miat belum mendapat kekulusan dibawah EASA part 66. Kursus nya selama 4 tahun dan RM90,000.

b. Kalau anda berkerja dengan airlines atau MRO, anda boleh menduduki peperiksaan.

c. Kalau anda berkerja dengan tentera dan bertugas membaiki kapaterbang, anda boleh juga menduduki peperiksaan.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pilot Tidak Mendapat Pekerjaan Di Malaysia

Orang di Malaysian dikejutkan dengan berita yang 1300 pilot terlatih tidak dapat kerja. Mereka sudah pun mempunyai CPL (Commercial Pilot License) dan membelanjaan lebih dari RM250,000 untuk fee tuition dan latihan penerbangan.

Keadaan menjadi bertambah mencabar bila syarikat penerbangan  tempatan mengurangkan pemgambilan  juruterbang. Anda munkin berpeluang berjumpa pilot ini berkerja di McDonald or KFC. Ada juga yang terpaksa mencari kerja lain untuk mencari pendapatan. Yang paling menyedihnya ialah mereka yang membuat pinjaman untuk membiyai pelajaran mereka. Mereka terpaksa membuat bayaran semula kepada pihak penyaja. Dengan hanya berkerja di restaurant, tidak munkin mereka mampu membuat bayaran bulanan. 
The interviews with some of the frustrated pilots revealed many unhappy stories. Many of them, are not from rich family, but due the high interest and the expectation of landing with a highly paid jobs, they sacrifice and saved every dollar they had earned  just to enable them to go through the 1.5 years of training. It must had been a harsh reality that they have to accept and face.
Some of the pilots may have the fund available to enable them to covert their license to Indonesian approval. Having the Indonesian license enable them to fly the Indonesian registered aircraft and they are able to work for Indonesian Airlines.
The pilots license are divided into many categories. Each will require a specific training, examination and examination. The first to go for is the PPL, or Private Pilot License. They can fly the aircraft and even carry passengers, but they cannot charge for the flight. The next is the CPL, or Commercial Pilot License. As the name indicates, the flight can be commercially charges.
Looking for a solution
The airlines in Malaysia is facing a period of stagnation. Yes, there was report of the orders signed by AirAsia, but the delivery has yet to start. Pilots requirement is directly linked to the number of aircraft, the more aircraft an airlines has, the more pilot is needed.
The unemployed pilots have a few choice to choose from:
a. They can opt out for another career, however with the heavy inves. tment they had committed, it is not an attractive proposition. After all, flying is among the highest paid job.
b. Sit and wait for opening- many may choose this option mainly as this is the choice that require lesser amount of further investment.
c. Upgrade on modify the qualification. Further investment is required if the pilots want to chance to helicopter license or get more hours to qualify to become an instructor or get other than Malaysian license.
How to avoid future happenings.
Frankly, I dont think that there is a fast solution to this issue. This is a purely commercial arrangement, working on the demand and supplies principle. It seem to be moving in a cyclic movements, there is shortage of pilots, so the price (salary) is high. With the high salary, people is rushing to become pilot, thus increasing the supply. With high supply, that there will be excess, that the situation now.
The next step will be, with the many unemployed pilot, people will cease to take the course, and the the cycle will repeat.

Adalah perlu di nyatakan yang tanggungan akibat pemilihan yang dibuat, adalah diatas pemilih itu sendiri.  Ramai yang menyalahkan pihak penyaja, dengan berkata.. " kalau tak ada prospect, kenapa taja pengajian itu". Tidak kurang yang meyalahkan DCA, atau Penerbangan Awam kerana membenarkan syarikat latihan penerbangan ditubuhkan. Munkin kita tidak mampu membuat anggaran keperluan pilot (Juruterbang) dan kita munkin menggunakan data dari tahun tahun yang dahulu.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lapangan Terbang Terbaik - Skytrax 2012

Ini video Youtube Ranking Airport 2012 Setiap tahun, Skytrax akan membuat kajiselidek tentang syarikat penerbangan dan airport. Ranking terbaik ialah mengikuti selidikan pelanggan. Terbaik tidak lah bermakna yang terbesar, atau termahal atau paling beruntung. Ia cuma bermakna yang dipilih oleh orang yang ditanya. Ianya sama seperti saya bertanya kepada anda, airport mana yang terbaik?.

Friday, October 12, 2012

lowongan kerja garuda

Web site Garuda ada menawarkan beberapa lowongan kerja garuda.
Wow.... so much opportunities are available at Garuda,,,
Many interviews especially for cabin crew... I guest it depends on where you are..

#PositionDate Posted Deadline
1.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN JAKARTA (FEB 2013)1 February 201321 February 2013
2.HUMAN CAPITAL OFFICER FOR DATA CENTER5 February 201317 February 2013
3.INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS31 January 201317 February 2013
4.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN LOMBOK (JUL 2013)1 February 201330 June 2013
5.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN GORONTALO (JUN 2013)1 February 201323 June 2013
6.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN MANADO (JUN 2013)1 February 201316 June 2013
7.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN PONTIANAK (JUN 2013)1 February 20139 June 2013
8.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN PALEMBANG (JUNI 2013)1 February 20132 June 2013
9.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN YOGYAKARTA (MEI 2013)1 February 201326 May 2013
10.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN PEKANBARU (MEI 2013)1 February 201319 May 2013
11.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN SEMARANG (MEI 2013)1 February 201312 May 2013
12.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN MAKASSAR (MEI 2013)1 February 20135 May 2013
13.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN DENPASAR (APR 2013)1 February 201321 April 2013
14.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN SURABAYA (APR 2013)1 February 201314 April 2013
15.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN MEDAN (APR 2013)1 February 20137 April 2013
16.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN BANDUNG (APR 2013)1 February 201331 March 2013
17.RECRUITMENT ANALYST28 January 201317 February 2013
18.CHEF ON BOARD7 February 201310 March 2013
19.INFORMASI AWAK KABIN HAJI 20135 February 201319 February 2013
20.EXPERIENCED PILOT VACANCY28 October 201231 October 2013

tanggal 4 Feb 2013

Beberapa peluang baik untuk menjadi pramugari. Di paparkan beberapa peluanh terbaru...

#PositionDate PostedApplication Deadline
1.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN JAKARTA (FEB 2013)1 February 201321 February 2013
2.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN LOMBOK (JUL 2013)1 February 201330 June 2013
3.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN GORONTALO (JUN 2013)1 February 201323 June 2013
4.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN MANADO (JUN 2013)1 February 201316 June 2013
5.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN PONTIANAK (JUN 2013)1 February 20139 June 2013
6.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN PALEMBANG (JUNI 2013)1 February 20132 June 2013
7.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN YOGYAKARTA (MEI 2013)1 February 201326 May 2013
8.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN PEKANBARU (MEI 2013)1 February 201319 May 2013
9.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN SEMARANG (MEI 2013)1 February 201312 May 2013
10.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN MAKASSAR (MEI 2013)1 February 20135 May 2013
11.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN DENPASAR (APR 2013)1 February 201321 April 2013
12.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN SURABAYA (APR 2013)1 February 201314 April 2013
13.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN MEDAN (APR 2013)1 February 20137 April 2013
14.PRAMUGARI REKRUTMEN BANDUNG (APR 2013)1 February 201331 March 2013

Tanggal 12 Oct 2012
4.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (NOV 2012)5 October 20121 November 2012
5.Cargo Capacity Control Specialist4 October 201212 October 2012
6.Cargo Purchase Analyst4 October 201212 October 2012
7.Fresh Graduated Pilot Recruitment25 September 201220 October 2012
8.Pramugara Rekrutmen Jakarta (OKT 2012)19 September 201218 October 2012

Tanggal 19 Sept 2012, peluang di Jakarta

Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (OKT 2012)11 September 20124 October 2012

12 July 2012
Paparan peluang kerja di Garuda Indonesia.
Position / JawatanDate PostedDeadline / Tutup
1.FLIGHT ASSIGNMENT10 July 201222 July 2012
3.CREW MOVEMENT CONTROLLER10 July 201222 July 2012
4.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (SEPT 2012)10 July 201230 August 2012
5.SEKRETARIS3 July 201222 July 2012
7.Dokter Umum3 July 201214 July 2012
8.TICKETING OFFICER MEDAN12 June 201215 July 2012
9.TICKETING OFFICER MAKASSAR12 June 201215 July 2012
10.Pramugari Rekrutmen Makassar (MEI 2012)16 May 201231 July 2012

21 May 2012
#JawatanTanggal PostedTanggal Tutup
1.TICKETING OFFICER MEDAN12 June 201215 July 2012
2.TICKETING OFFICER MAKASSAR12 June 201215 July 2012
5.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (JUNI 2012)5 June 201228 June 2012
6.Pramugari Rekrutmen Makassar (MEI 2012)16 May 201231 July 2012
7.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jambi (MEI 2012)11 May 201217 June 2012
8.Pramugari Rekrutmen Pekanbaru (MEI 2012)11 May 201213 June 2012

22 May 2012

#JawatanTanggal Posted Di Tutup
1.Pramugari Rekrutmen Makassar (MEI 2012)16 May 201231 July 2012
2.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jambi (MEI 2012)11 May 201217 June 2012
3.Pramugari Rekrutmen Pekanbaru (MEI 2012)11 May 201213 June 2012
4.Pramugari Rekrutmen Manado (MEI 2012)11 May 201210 June 2012
5.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jakarta (MEI 2012)11 May 201226 May 2012
6.Pramugari Rekrutmen Bandung (APR 2012)22 March 20125 June 2012
7.Pramugari Rekrutmen Surabaya (APR 2012)22 March 20122 June 2012
8.Pramugari Rekrutmen Medan (APR 2012)22 March 201229 May 2012

Untuk memohon, daftarkan diri di website
sebelum tarikh tutup.

1. Umur - 18 - 25 tahun
2. Tinggi 158 sb
3. Tidak berkaca mata.
4. Sihat rohani dan jasmani

5. Warga Indonesia
6. Kelulusan SMA/SMK
7. Mampu berbahasa Inggeris.

Kerja yang ditawarkan adalah seperti berikut...

1. Jawatan analist Akaun - Financial Accounting Analyst.
Kekosongan ia diiklankan pada 1 Mac 2012.
Permohonan akan di tutup pada 18 Mac 2012.

2. Pramugari Garuda rekrutmen di Makasar.
Permohon ditutup pada 13 Mac 2012.

#PositionDate PostedApplication Deadline
2.Pramugari Rekrutmen Makasar (FEB 2012)10 February 201213 March 2012
3.Pramugari Rekrutmen Jayapura (FEB 2012)9 February 201211 March 2012
4.Pramugari Rekrutmen Ambon (FEB 2012)9 February 20126 March 2012
5.Pramugari Rekrutmen Kupang (FEB 2012)9 February 20124 March 2012

Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris amat di perlukan.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Peluang Kerja Eaglexpress

Eaglexpress telah ditubuhkan pada awal tahun inin, 2012, dan bercadang memulakan perkhidmatannya didalam bidang...

- perkhidmatan penerbangan haji dan umrah
- Penerbangan untuk percutian
- Perkhidmatan Kargo.

Syarikat ini telah membeli 3 Boeing 747-400 dari MAS.

Didalam web page nya, pada 6 Oct 2012, Eaglexpress menawarkan beberapa peluang pekerjaan..

1. Ketua Pengurus Kommersial

a. Tugasan
- bertanggung jawab terhadap pendapatan dan perbelanjaan syarikat.
- mengurus pelanggan,
.... semua iklan dibuat didalam bahasa Inggeris....
  • Establish and grow customer relationship, management programme that result in increased customer retention and loyalty
  • Plan and control annual marketing and communication budget to cost effectively achieve the objectives set in the business and marketing strategies plan.
  • To monitor and recommend pricing levels in order to maximize yield and revenue
  • To identify new opportunities and take steps to implement them for new revenue streams
  • Establish partnerships with national agencies in Asia to provide charter services for Hajj
  • Establish partnerships with travel agencies in Malaysia and countries in Asia to provide services for Umrah, Holiday and Business charters
The Person
  • At least Degree in Marketing /Commercial/business Related with at least 10yrs management experience in a dynamic commercial environment;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Strategic thinker
  • Creative and Innovative
  • Proven leadership skills
  • Should have previous Airlines Experience in the related field
  • Possesses a valid Malaysia ATPL.
  • A Valid Class (1) Medical Certificate
  • A minimum of 7000 total hours which shall include a 1000 hours Command on Boeing 747-400
  • Aged between 30 and 60 years
  • Malaysian Citizen or Malaysian Permanent Resident
  • Limited numbers of B747-400 Type rated applicant below 63 years
  • can be considered for employment.
  • A valid DCAM ATPL/Frozen ATPL with valid instrument and type rating
  • A valid DCAM medical certificate. (Class 1)
  • Preferably type rated on the B747-400.
  • Limited Non-rated applicants can be considered and will be given B747-400 Type rating. (Cost to be borne by Applicants from pay deductions)
  • Minimum of 2000 total hours inclusive of 1000hrs narrow body commercial jets.
  • Malaysian Citizen or Malaysian Permanent Resident
  • Malaysian, aged between 21 and 35 years old
  • Height: minimum 160cm (Female)
  • Height: minimum 170cm (Male)
  • SPM with CREDIT in English and Bahasa Malaysia
  • Pleasant personality
  • A passion to serve
  • Speaks fluent English and Bahasa Malaysia
  • Preference will be given to applicants with previous Airlines experience.
An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidates
Suitably qualified candidates are invited to submit their applications to For cabin crew positions, please provide the following:
  • Copies of NRIC & Passport
  • 1 recent passport sized photograph
  • Copies of Education or other certificate
  • A recent postcard-sized photograph (full body)
  • Updated resume