Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pilot Tidak Mendapat Pekerjaan Di Malaysia

Orang di Malaysian dikejutkan dengan berita yang 1300 pilot terlatih tidak dapat kerja. Mereka sudah pun mempunyai CPL (Commercial Pilot License) dan membelanjaan lebih dari RM250,000 untuk fee tuition dan latihan penerbangan.

Keadaan menjadi bertambah mencabar bila syarikat penerbangan  tempatan mengurangkan pemgambilan  juruterbang. Anda munkin berpeluang berjumpa pilot ini berkerja di McDonald or KFC. Ada juga yang terpaksa mencari kerja lain untuk mencari pendapatan. Yang paling menyedihnya ialah mereka yang membuat pinjaman untuk membiyai pelajaran mereka. Mereka terpaksa membuat bayaran semula kepada pihak penyaja. Dengan hanya berkerja di restaurant, tidak munkin mereka mampu membuat bayaran bulanan. 
The interviews with some of the frustrated pilots revealed many unhappy stories. Many of them, are not from rich family, but due the high interest and the expectation of landing with a highly paid jobs, they sacrifice and saved every dollar they had earned  just to enable them to go through the 1.5 years of training. It must had been a harsh reality that they have to accept and face.
Some of the pilots may have the fund available to enable them to covert their license to Indonesian approval. Having the Indonesian license enable them to fly the Indonesian registered aircraft and they are able to work for Indonesian Airlines.
The pilots license are divided into many categories. Each will require a specific training, examination and examination. The first to go for is the PPL, or Private Pilot License. They can fly the aircraft and even carry passengers, but they cannot charge for the flight. The next is the CPL, or Commercial Pilot License. As the name indicates, the flight can be commercially charges.
Looking for a solution
The airlines in Malaysia is facing a period of stagnation. Yes, there was report of the orders signed by AirAsia, but the delivery has yet to start. Pilots requirement is directly linked to the number of aircraft, the more aircraft an airlines has, the more pilot is needed.
The unemployed pilots have a few choice to choose from:
a. They can opt out for another career, however with the heavy inves. tment they had committed, it is not an attractive proposition. After all, flying is among the highest paid job.
b. Sit and wait for opening- many may choose this option mainly as this is the choice that require lesser amount of further investment.
c. Upgrade on modify the qualification. Further investment is required if the pilots want to chance to helicopter license or get more hours to qualify to become an instructor or get other than Malaysian license.
How to avoid future happenings.
Frankly, I dont think that there is a fast solution to this issue. This is a purely commercial arrangement, working on the demand and supplies principle. It seem to be moving in a cyclic movements, there is shortage of pilots, so the price (salary) is high. With the high salary, people is rushing to become pilot, thus increasing the supply. With high supply, that there will be excess, that the situation now.
The next step will be, with the many unemployed pilot, people will cease to take the course, and the the cycle will repeat.

Adalah perlu di nyatakan yang tanggungan akibat pemilihan yang dibuat, adalah diatas pemilih itu sendiri.  Ramai yang menyalahkan pihak penyaja, dengan berkata.. " kalau tak ada prospect, kenapa taja pengajian itu". Tidak kurang yang meyalahkan DCA, atau Penerbangan Awam kerana membenarkan syarikat latihan penerbangan ditubuhkan. Munkin kita tidak mampu membuat anggaran keperluan pilot (Juruterbang) dan kita munkin menggunakan data dari tahun tahun yang dahulu.  

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