Monday, December 6, 2010
Kerjaya Juru Terbang
Friday, December 3, 2010
Pramugari MAS

Thursday, December 2, 2010
kerja pramugari
- wake up 4 am.
- get ready for pickup at 5 am, arrive at the airport 1.5 hrs before departure.
- briefed by the captain on emergency evacuation procedures, coordination of the crew, the length of the flight, expected weather conditions, and special issues having to do with passengers;
- board the aircraft 1 hr before departure.
- make sure that emergency equipments are aboard and in working order;
- Check the cabin readiness for boarding, food, toilets, cleanliness.
- Greet passengers and show them their seat.
- Ready for takeoff, all buckle up and the access is clear for emergency evacuation.
- Demonstrate on the use of safety equipments.
- Handle the emergency situation.
- Handle the serving of foods and drink.
- Do inflight sale.
Perkerjaan Bergaji Tertinggi
2. pakar bius (Anesthesiologists) $175,000/year
Gynecologists and Oral Surgeons
Internists and Prosthodontists
Psychiatrists and Chief Executives
Pediatricians and Pilots
9. Pediatricians $140,000/year
Blog on “Learning About Jobs in Airlines”
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Imbuhan Pramugari
Structur gaji biasanya terbahagi kepada:
1. Gaji basic - biasanya rendah.
2. Imbuhan Terbang - lebihmasa, alaun luarnegeri, transport.
3. Crews benefits - pakaian percuma, accessories allowance, dobi, makeup etc.
4. Imbuhan lain - bahasa kedua, alaun kelulusan tinggi dan lain lain.
Gaji asas - £15,000 setahun, termasuk alaun terbang, cuti tahunan 30 hari. Kerja lebih kurang 80 jan sebulan didalam penerbangan.Kerja lain termasuk standbay, latihan, taklimat penerbangan and penulisan report.
Air Asia RM 4100- 4300
MAS RM 3500 ( narrow ) to 6000 ( widebody )
SIA ( SGD 3500-4500 )
Gaji pada permulaan kerja dan akan bertambah dengan lebih lama berkhidmat.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
penumpang suka guna mesin "check-in"
SITA sebuah syarikat teknologi mengatakan online check-in sekarang telah mendapat sambutan yang amat baik. Sesampainya di lapangan terbang, penumpang tidak suka keranak berbaris panjang, mereka lebih selesa menggunakan skill IT mereka dan menguruskan check in sendiri.
Interview telah dibuat melibatkan 2000 penumpang di 7 lapangan terbang antarabangsa. 70% dari penumpang lebih gemar menggunakan self check in.
Berdasarkan kejayaan penggunaan mesin itu, di anggarkan makin banyak lapangan terbang menggunakan mesi tersebut.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Pilot - Kerjaya Impian Anda
Semenang nya banyak syarikat mengalami kekurangan tenaga pilot, tetapi kebanyakan keperluan adalah pilot yang terlatih dan tersedia untuk terbang. Sekira nya anda baru dan tidak mempunyai pengalaman yang cukup, mukin agak sukar untuk memulakan kerjaya dengan syarikat penerbangan yang besar.
Sila lihat video ... "the dream pilot job".
Monday, September 20, 2010
Peluang Kerja SIA dan Air Asia
stewardess vacancy
a.Singapore airline stewardess
Interviews will be conducted on 25 September 2010 (Saturday) at:
Grand Hyatt Singapore
Hibiscus Room
10 Scotts Road
Singapore 228211
There other locations. Please refer to this blog.
Date 25 September 2010
Registration Time 9-3pm
Venue Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Please bring along:
-Original IC & one photocopy of IC
-1 recent coloured head & shoulder photograph (passport size)
-1 recent coloured full-body photograph (postcard size)
-Original & copies of education and other relevant certificates
Other airlines are also opening up. Please check out.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
sejarah penerbangan sebelum 1900
Sejarah awal percubaan untuk terbang bermula awal lagi, tetapi kerana tidak ada pengetahuan, maka usaha itu gagal. Ramai yang terkorban kerana mecuba. |
sejarah gliders bermula di Britain bila Cayley telah membina sebuah glider dengan memggunakan kepak dan engin. Orang yang pertama terbang ialah seorang kanak kanak |
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
sejarah MAS
Sejarah MAS bermula seawal 1937 apabila Malayan Airways Ltd ditubuhkan. Ianya memulakan penerbangan pada tahun 1947 dengan menggunakan simbol harimau terbang.
Bila negara Malaysia dilahirkan pada tahun 1963, Malayan Airways kepda Malaysian Airways Limited. Borneo Airways yang beroperasi di Sabah dan Sarawak telah diterapkan.

Pada tahun 1965, Singapura telah keluar dari Malaysia, dan dengan itu, Malaysias Airways sekali lagi bertukar wajah dan mendapat nama baru ia itu MSA atau Malaysian Singapore Airline.
The Birth of MAS
In 1971, Malaysian government came out with a policy decision to restructure MSA into two independent airlines. This was mainly due the the different in focus between Malaysia and Singapore.Singapore was working purely on commercial basis and for profit. Malaysia's posiion was slightly different, with Sabak and sarawak still new, and that Singapore had decided to leave Malaysia, it was very important to stress on national integration. Malaysia did not want Singapore to be the example for others to follow.
MAS was formed on 3 Apr 1971, but the airline did not fly until Sept 1972. When MAS started , it has 19 aircrafts:
7 B737-200 aircraft, short to medium range
9 F27 - for domestic routes
3 BN2 for rural services.
New corporate log symbolize the kite was adopted.
The airline expended the international routes to Europe and the Orient with the purchase of two B707 aircrafts from Qantas.Followed by DC10, A300 and B747.
With bigger aircrafts, it was thought that a change in the logo was necessary to reflect the aerodynamics shape and its greater achievement.
March 1973 - B707 yang pertama - wet leased dari Qantas
Oct 1976 - DC10 pertama
Nov 1979 - A300 pertama
Apr 1982 - B747 Pertama
May 1997 - B777 Pertama
MAS Sekarang.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
kerja pesawat
Apakah seorang pekerja pesawat buat?
Pesawat Kapat terbang sangat lah komplek dan ianya kadang kadang rosak. Jadi kita perlu seseorang yang mahir yang mampu membaiki kapat terbang. Jadi itu lah kerja jurutera pesawat.
A. Sistem maintenance kapal terbang.
Semua syarikat penerbangan mempunyai sistem nya tersendiri, yang berlandaskan kepada Department of Civil Aviation dan sistem ini berdasarkan kepada ICAO. Sememang nya pada awal sejarah penerbangan, tiada ada control dan tidak ada sistem. Masing masing ikut cita rasa sendiri, dan ini telah banyak memyebabkan kemalangan dan boleh membawa maut.
B. Jenis tugasan
C. Dimana repair di buat?.
akan di tulis
Monday, July 5, 2010
stewardess air asia
The last time I travel in Air Asia, I could feel the pace, I think they have to put that extra efforts due to the following reasons:
1. The aircrafts are on shorter turn around time. If other airlines are targeting a 40 minutes transit time, Air Asia is going for 30 minutes. Actually the passengers were also sharing the rush. Everybody run to the aircraft to get the best seats. If you are late you may get the last rows, where you cannot even recline the seats, so what will a passenger does, well run for it. So there are also the plus point of not putting the seat number.
But I am think from the technical point of view. There is such a thing aircraft balancing, where the loads have to be distributed to enable smooth flight. I am just wondering how this issue is resolved, if it full load is ok. What if every one want to sit in front, the aircraft will be front heavy...
2. The cabin crew also do the cleaning.
3. Higher flying time
... to continue..
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Bagaimana untuk menjadi juruterbang
Ada beberapa cara untuk menjadi seorang juruterbang di syarikat yang besar seperti MAS, SIA atau AirAsia.
1. mengikuti program latihan. Mengikut keperluan, airline akan mengiklankan keperluan dan temuduga dan mereka yang terpilih akan mengikuti program latihan yang diadakan di dalam negari atau di luar negeri..
2. Mengikuti program sendiri dan memasuki syarikat selepas berkerja.- Ibu bapa boleh menghantar anak anak mereka mengikuti latihan pilot. Cara ini yang paling mudah untuk memulakan career sebagai seorang juruterbang, tetapi dia mempunyai beberapa disadvantages:
- anda terpaksa membayar lebih dahulu cost yang dianggar sebanyak $100,000. Tetapi pada umum nya ia adalah investment yang bijak, kerana akan mendapat pulangan yang cepat.
- anda munkin akan mempunyai masaalah untuk memasuki berkerja dengan airline yand anda pilih.
Kerja juruterbang adalah diantara pekerjaan yang mendapat bayaran yand lumayan.Seorang Captain B747 boleh mendapat RM30-40 ribu sebulan, lebih banyak dari pendapatan orang lain untuk setahun. Kerjanya bukan lah seberat mana, bila tamat penerbangan, tamatlah kerjanya
1. Kelulusan - kelulusan ada lah minima, mendapat SPM, dan baik didalam science dan maths, berbahasa inggeris dengan baik,.
2. Sihat Tubuh badan dan mempunyai pendengaran dan penglihatan yang baik.
3. Kecergasan Psychomotor untuk mengedalikan penerbangan.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
mas pramugari
It cannot be help but to ask the question, what make the pramugari so outstanding to enable the to achieve the recognition. Although no formal and scientific study was carried out to investigate this, but many people would agree that, there is no single reason for this. In fact the performance can be attributed to at least three interrelated reasons:
1. The culture of the people
2. The training
3. The climate and the management support.
a. The culture of the people: Malaysia is the cross points of many cultures. The is a multinational countries with the malay, chinese and indian influences. The British had left a big mark of their presence, by leaving the government and legal systems when they left the country in 1953. They people especially the ladies had been trained to serve and care for the family. So it is easier to change that to the caring of the passengers.
b. The training: .. to be continued..
r or 1
airlines jobs - Fedex
For the benefits of those who miss the ad, I enclose the important points.
1. Accountant
Salary - rm57,000 per annum.
Job Description : prepare annual report, review and implement internal control, risk management, treasury function, payroll and billing.
Qualification: degree in accountancy with 2-3 years experience.
2. Customer Service Officer.
Job Desc- to describe excellent customer services
Qualification: SPM with experience
Position 1 - please email to before 17 jul
Position2- walkin interview 5- 17 Jul
at FEDEX office SS21/39 Damansara Uptown
Petaling Jaya
Hope you will succeed to secure the airlines jobs
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Challenges To Airline Industry
As an industry, it is one of the few industry that has been having accumulated loss continuously for the last decade. Please check the data at IATA. For 2010, the financial forecast is, the airlines will loss around US5.6 billions globally. It is a colossal figure. It is the most significant challenge.
The other is of course security, the fear of 911, is still being felt by many, even though the real damage or loss is nothing compared that of the Iraq war.
I quote the words of
Raymond Benjamin, Secretary General, ICAO:
“I have joined ICAO as Secretary General at what can arguably be described as the most challenging period in the history of the air transport industry.”
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Airlines and Its Products
1. What are the customers needs and wants that the airline intends to satisfy?
2. What is the products, and how does the airlines meet the needs and wants of the customers?
Question 1: Customers needs and want.
There are differences between needs and wants. We will not discuss that here. The customers have the need to travel and to transport goods and products to another destination fast. Then if we ask further, why do people have to travel?. There may be a number of possibilities:
People travel because:
a. To meet their customers for business or to meet the partner to discuss businesses.
b. To visit friends and family.
c. To study or perform religious activities.
d. holidays and adventure
You notice that these needs have create the demand to travel. That mean travelling is NOT the real needs but it is derived or caused by other needs. These is called Derived Demand.
2. Question 2: How does an airline meets the demands.
So an airline needs to provide the travelling facilities for the customers. It is the seat of a flight forms the products of an airline.
to be continued............
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Airport Operations and Services
Passenger Handling (Traffic) and Baggage
1. Handle the check in of the passengers.
2. Handle the movement of the passengers until they get into the aircraft.
3. Manage the documentations.
Aircraft Handling
4. Handle the arrival and departure of the aircraft.
5. Handling the engineering and technical defects
6. Water and Toilet Servicing
7. Fuel the aircraft.
Food and Beverage
1. Remove the used trays and food from the aircrft
2. Replenish with new supplies of food and beverage
1. Offload Cargo and Load new cargo.
All these activities create job opportunities. In the next postings we will identify the job classification in airline.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Airline Structure
Running an airline will require multiple resources and expertise. To make is easier and more effective, these resources and expertise are arranged and organised in a specified way... known as airline structure. So airline structure is the specific ways an individual airline organised itself to produce the required products and earn some money.
Factors Shaping The Structure.
There are basically two broad categories of factors affecting the structure of an airline, the external factors and internal factors.
The external includes: the government bodies, the competitors, and customers
The internal factors would include: the airline vision and mission, staff and business model.
The internal factors.
The management of the airline would decide the business model the airline is going to operate, either a full service carrier or low cost operator. The decision will have to made on how the selected functions of the company will be carried out. For example:
a. You can have a low cost carrier, operating with a specified type of aircraft and the maintenance of the aircraft is carried out by another organisation. The function of managing and getting the customers are rarely contracted out. This is because the function is the life line of an organisation and formed the core that determine the future success of an organisation.
to be continued...
Oneworld is one of the three big players in the global airline alliances. It was founded by the group consist of American Airlines, British Airways, Canadian Airlines, Cathay Pacific and Qantas Airways in 1999. The alliance slogan is "oneworld revolves around you" and its vision statement is "To generate more value for customers, shareholders and employees than any airline can achieve by itself."
In 2007, the alliance expanded by admitting Japan Airlines, Malévand Royal Jordanian joined as full members. Cathay Pacific's subsidiary Dragonair, four subsidiaries of Japan Airlines and two subsidiaries of LAN joined as affiliate members. In 2009, Oneworld celebrated its 10th anniversary with the introduction of a new standard Oneworld livery, that all of its member airlines adopted on a proportion of their fleets; and a special version of its logo.
By November 2009, Oneworld and its members elect, reached over 720 destinations in 142 countries. It operates over 8,300 daily flights, carrying 328 million passengers on a combined fleet of over 2,200 aircraft. It is the only alliance that has members based in every continent, and has extensive networks in Australia, South America and Asia'sMiddle East with Qantas, LAN and Royal Jordanian, respectively. Since late 2002, Oneworld member airlines have developed common specifications across their engineering and maintenance activities, reducing costs through bulk buying and parts sharing. It was also the first airline alliance to introduce interline e-ticketing across all member airlines' network.
Oneworld was voted the world's Best Airline Alliance in the year of 2002, 2004 and 2005. Business Traveller Awards and named the World's Leading Airline Alliance for the seventh consecutive year at the 2009 World Travel Awards